
on my desk

Oftentimes I am working on dozens of things at one time. Although I like switching between projects, some things usually disappear in the background, even though they can be pretty interesting. Here are a couple of things that I am currently doing:

I recently started reading “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” by John Berendt and so far it is pretty interesting. I picked up the book about a week ago while perusing Barnes and Noble. Although I enjoy reading most genres, my favorite book of all time is “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote, so my book search always begins in the non-fiction crime category. This book stood out to me because of a tour I had taken in Savannah a couple of years back. In the tour, we stopped by Mercer House, an antebellum mansion with some eerie history. In the book, Berendt retells some of Mercer House’s history, specifically, a murder that occurred in 1981. Overall, the book is very well written and in ways, unusual. I am hoping to finish reading it by Christmas and reviewing it onĀ Goodreads shortly after.

I love to travel and try to do so pretty often. Moreover, I like exploring the city that I live in, Atlanta. There are so many things to do, so many restaurants to try, and places to visit that my weekends are usually pretty packed. One thing that I have been meaning to do for few months now is create a travel guide with some of the best places to visit around the city. It was partially inspired by the fact that every time one of my relatives or friends visit Atlanta, I forget to do many of these things with them. I got a head start on the guide on Pinterest, with their new maps feature, but I would love to provide more context and tips regarding the places I chose. Feel free to check out my board here and to provide me with any suggestions that I might have missed. The final Atlanta guide will probably be finished by mid-next month.


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